"Cargo Cult' Sales & Marketing

During WW II cargo dropped from the sky in the South Pacific and Indonesia. The shipment included clothing and food from the U.S. government and also humanitarian missions. This phenomenon drew the attention of the local tribes who became known as "Cargo Cult" because they always stood waiting for the next package.

These tribes believed the cargo came from their ancestors and if they erected a landing strip, air towers, and planes made of bamboo then the cargo would appear because this is what it was like the last time they received a package. The cargo appears as a way of mysticism and magic instead of hard work and ingenuity.

In business we can wait for ideas to magically appear or we can produce the "cargo" ourselves. "Cargo Cult" Sales and Marketing blog was created to talk about the essentials for successful sales and marketing professionals. It covers some tips and observations to be more effective in your endeavors.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dos Equis Ads

So I had to comment on Dos Equis commercials....I think they are extremely effect and have launched a brand that would have not have been as well known. There are a couple of reasons that it is as effective including..

1- Built an interesting character
2- Interesting story line
3- Good Graphics
4- Well thought out actor selection

Friday, November 26, 2010

Shawn White Joint Marketing

Red Bull does a great job of marketing without even mentioning their product. I can probably buy a product/energy drink that is better for me, but it probably won't make me feel as cool as Red Bull.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Effective Thanksgiving Message

Here is an effective message I have found...

1- Funny
2- Interesting
3- Logical Argument
4- Great Conclusion
5- Good Timing / Relevant Timing

I thought they explained there

Monday, November 22, 2010

Enthusiasm vs Experience

Here is an article analysing the loss of Sharon Angle

Great Arcile Written About the Sharon Angle Lost

I think it is interesting to analyze sales and marketing principles in different settings. When Sharon Angle was running for Senate she had every thing going for her including political momentum, popular message, and running against an unpopular incumbent, but wasn't able to win. The article lays out why Sharon Angle lost and explains the importance of Experience and Enthusiasm.

Why Meg Whitman lost

Here is another great article on why Meg Whitman lost...
